Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 12th Weigh In

Hey! I'm pleased to report a 1.2 pound loss this week because I didn't have much activity at all. I have to get that going again! For the life of me I can't seem to get out of the 200's! I am not going to post my "official" CURRENT STATS on my blog link until I get back to where I was before the holiday gain, but right now:

Current Weight
200.6 (SOOOOO close!)

Total Inches Lost

Remaining Pounds to Lose

I really need to take this more seriously.

P.S. I went with the "glow in the dark" bands on my braces this week. I just couldn't make myself go with some of those colors Olivia hoped for. The "glow in the dark" ones are basically invisible which is nice for an adult.


MaryJoNM said...

Hi Traci, you will be back on track this week again you lost and now the exercise and routine will come back too.
It is hard to maintain a regimin during the holidays, with so many different activities.
I am sorry you pinched your hand in the closet door.
I am always looking down, finding I have a cut or a bruise, and thinking how the heck did I do that.
I was the kid with all the scabs on my knees, and a box of band-aids always a the ready. So you are in good company.
Take care...
PS My Myspace URL is:
You can add that link here too.
How do you add the links to your Blogspot? That is so cool.
Did you ever meet 'I DID IT"?
Take care.
Mary Jo

Commit To Be Fit said...

Thanks for your encouragement MJ!

Regarding the inks, I think when I set up those links had to create a "list" in the "create new page element" page, then as I typed a blog entry, I would key in what I would want my label to be and it would somehow attach to the list. I know I had to play around with it for a while too though. I got so frustrated with it!

I'll add your MS link too.

I hope your weekend is going good!

(Love your new house shoes, by the way!)

Commit To Be Fit said...

oops, I didn't meat to sign in from that other website "commit to be fit"! I've been working on a new, more generic website for all of us to utilize and I wasn't quite ready to reveal it! Oh well! Those who are checking in on me will find out what I've been up to I guess!