I don't want your sympathy. I'm being honest. I feel like crying the way my Olivia did on the first day of kindergarten. While I have not abandoned my diet this week, I have not given it my all. Exercising did not enter my mind this week and I could have been more careful with the food. It is all I can do to continue. As I pass the 4 month mark, I feel weak. I'm not giving up though. I need to get through tomorrow's weigh in and re-focus. (How many times have you all heard this?) Thanks for your patience everyone. Do not expect to see a log of all the exercise I should have done this week but didn't.
The next time I blog I will have become my super inspiring and motivating altar ego by the name of MARCHIONESS STRONG ARROW. (If anyone needs their own name, see me!)
Oh Olivia looks so cute in the picture! I bet she broke your heart crying like that?
Traci, Traci, Traci, you are doing so good, this week was your off week. We all have them from time to time. You are only human. Keep up the great work, I bet you did some kind of exercise but you didnt count it. What about some house work? Yard work? every motion is exercise, in fact just breathing and living is some sort of exercise, you body burns up calories just by being alive. I hope you have a loss tomorrow, I will be cheering for your return of marcha..arrow something. Have a great one Traci!!!!!
Thanks for posting a new blog, I your biggest fan check to see if you have a new post daily, oops sometimes more than once. But it is fun reading your blog over and over. Sometimes i miss something and catch it on the 3rd try. I know im a dork. HAHA
Thanks for all the confidence you show in me! I'm not too yippee about weighing, that's for sure.
The ball & chain is ordering me to clean out the basement. I might indulge him only to burn some calories!! LOL
By the way, I entered your name into the name generator and it came out as COUNTESS PARTIES LIKE A ROCKSTAR (Since this only gives female names, you will have to change yours to COUNT PARTIES LIKE A ROCKSTAR. If you don't like that one, give me another boggus name (or the name of your favorite super hero) and I'll try again! I did not like mine so I entered "Wonder Woman" and it bestowed me with my MARCHIONESS STRONG ARROW, which is sort of fitting given how much I march (a.k.a. walk) when I actually do exercise.
The name bestowed upon Cathy is "VISCOUNTESS WEEPING RIVER" and it doesn't really suit her, so we need to come up with a great one for her.
This is where I got them:
That didn't work. Trying again...
oh crud
Haha, good thing i re-read 2 or 3 times, the first time i read it as count panties like a rockstar, I was like huh cool haha
instead of what you wrote parties like a rockstar haha
I guess I'm CPLaR
My super hero would have to be, Super Man
Funny! Somehow I think the other one suits real rock stars better! You know how they end up with a lot of panties and all!
That site is really funny. I'll email it to you for your gal friends.
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